
The #1 Secret to Training a New Puppy

So, you got a puppy! A lot goes into raising a new dog. From the shots, training, sleeping, to the teething, socializing, eating, the list can go on and on. And unfortunately, some new dog owners obsess over what chew toy to get or what bed to buy them and don’t focus on the thing that’s most important…training your dog!

I’ve had dogs my entire life and training never gets easier. I’ve learned a thing or two about raising an untrained puppy to a respectable, well trained adult dog. But the secret?

Having a Schedule!

Puppies are very impressionable. If you create a schedule that covers sleeping, eating, bathroom, and playtime in an hour-by-hour regiment, and you follow it day after day for months, the dog will start eating, sleeping, playing, and bathroom-ing all on its own! Crazy right?

It Starts with You!

Dogs don’t know better. You will tell the dog how he’s supposed to live and act in his new environment. An untrained puppy is no one else’s fault but the owner.

I’m a busy women and I have my husband help out so we usually tag team the training. But not everyone is lucky enough to work from or close to home like us. So try your best to make this schedule work, because it’s not just for your dog…it’s for you!

Here’s a schedule you can follow. Of course you can adapt it to your own routine and see what works best.

Let me know in the comments, what’s your trick?

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