Health Training

10 Reasons to Exercise Your Dog [With Amazing Pictures]

Physical activity is essential for dogs. Exercise is required to maintain optimal physical and mental well-being. Dogs are active by nature. Therefore, preventing them from their genetically programmed activity level can result in frustration and behavioral problems.

Common behavior problems observed in under-exercised dogs are:

🐾   Destructive digging or scratching

🐾   Inappropriate predatory play

🐾   Mouthiness/rough play

🐾   Inappropriate/chewing (furniture or your favorite shoes)

🐾   Excessive barking, pawing whining, nipping, digging, tail chasing, and nudging

🐾   Hyperactivity and reactivity

Exercise and physical activity offer many benefits. Some of them are:

🐾   Keep the heart, lungs and circulatory system healthy

🐾   Avoid obesity and helps keep an optimal weight

🐾   Reduce common behavioral problems due to boredom and reduced activity

🐾   Help normalize and regulate the digestive system

🐾   Decrease anxiety and promotes emotional health 

🐾   Help the joints, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, and muscles to be in excellent condition

🐾   Will strengthen your bond with your dog

🐾   Provide valuable mental stimulation

🐾   Lead to more obedient behavior

🐾   Help with training

Whether your dog is an athlete or a couch potato, Fluffy needs daily exercise.  Ideally, every dog should exercise daily at least for 20-30 minutes. This will enhance your dog’s cardiovascular fitness and keep him physically healthy. Additionally, exercise will provide your dog with mental stimulation. Below are some tips to help you start an exercise routine for your dog:

🐾   Establish what your dog’s favorite activity is. Whether it is swimming, walking, running, playing fetch, power walking, jogging, bike riding, treadmill training, flyball, or agility training classes choose something that your dog enjoys. Keep a consistent schedule.

🐾   Increase your activity gradually. You can start with 10-minute walks and then gradually increase the time to 20-30 minute sessions. 

🐾   Warm up before you start vigorous exercises. In the same way, humans are at risk of muscle strains; dogs are also at risk. Therefore, before intense playing or exercise, take your dog for a short walk or start slowly.

🐾   Provide exercise throughout your dog’s life. Even senior dogs need physical activity. Although your dog will slow down with age, consistent walks and exercise will help delay the onset of common geriatric illnesses, such as osteoarthritis and dementia.

A dog that exercises every day is a happy, content, calm and balanced dog.

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