
5 Ways Therapy Dogs Help People with Cancer

A diagnosis of cancer can have a significant physical and emotional impact not only on the patient but also on the family. When my father was diagnosed with bladder cancer, I felt a sudden sharp painful emotion mixed with fear. Although I am familiar with the diagnosis and my work is centered in oncology, I was not prepared to deal with such news.

A diagnosis of cancer is the beginning of a long journey that affects not only the physical health but also the mental well-being of someone. It has an enormous impact on family and relationships. Patients with cancer often experience physical and emotional isolation. Fatigue and distress are common throughout cancer care and can worsen the course of the disease. Unfortunately, traditional medicine often fails to address the stress and emotional challenges patients with cancer and their families encounter.

It is being recognized that complementary therapies can reduce the stress that comes with a cancer diagnosis and address the unmet needs that traditional medicine cannot solve. Therapy dog visits could provide in specific cases effective complementary treatment for patients with cancer. Based on a survey, pet therapy visits helped reduce patient fears, isolation, loneliness, helplessness, anxiety, and despair. Therapy dog visits can provide patients with cancer not only companionship but a distraction from cancer and cancer treatment. Additionally, animals may help patients in ways people are not always able to. Dogs don’t need to be able to talk to sense when someone is feeling sad. They can read your body language exceedingly well.

As of my father, he is doing well. Stanley and Lolo are his sources of comfort. Our dogs help us divert our focus away from cancer treatments. They help us enjoy the beauty of the present moment, forget the pain and frustration of the uncertain future. They help us heal and move forward.

Senior man sitting outdoors with dog

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