
Dogs During Thanksgiving: What to Know!

Thanksgiving is a great time to get the family together and feast like kings. But there’s usually one family member left out of the feast…your pup! There are some concerns and things to keep in mind with this holiday regarding your dog, as there are with any holiday. While Thanksgiving is a lot of fun, it’s important to make sure you, your family, and your dog are all safe.

A Dog With Anxiety

It’s important to prepare your pup if you plan on having lots of family over. Many dogs do not mind a bunch of people in their house, especially if it is people they know. Sometimes though, Thanksgiving is a time where we have extended family over and maybe your dog doesn’t know these people. If your dog isn’t OK with buzzing house full of guests, try running them and getting them tired for when guests arrive.

Another option is to give your pup some CBD drops or treats to help them.

Food Risks

I know how tempting it is to give your dog table scraps but not all food on Thanksgiving is suitable for your pet. While it’s good practice to avoid giving your pup food from the table anyways, make sure to be extra careful about what you slip to them on Thanksgiving, be especially careful if you give your dog any turkey. Turkey has a chemical in it to make your dog lethargic or sick. Also, everything usually has a ton of sugar and fat in it that can be harmful for your dog’s health. Your best bet is to not give them anything.

Preoccupying Activity

If your dog looks bored or is bothering people at the table for food, maybe consider giving them a toy to occupy their time. Something like a bully stick will make it so they stay occupied for a while and stay away from bothering people at the table.

A Dog-Friendly Dessert

Dogs can partake in your pumpkin pie dessert, but only purepumpkin puree with nothing added. When everyone sits down for dessert, give some puree right to your dog or put some in their food bowl. This way they get to have dessert with everyone else in the form of a tasty snack.

Keeping these tips in mind will let you, your family, and your dog have a fun and safe Thanksgiving celebration. Make sure to keep all food not fit for dogs away from the table edges, and be sure to not let your guests give your dog any scraps without asking you first!

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