
6 Ways to Spice Up Your Walk

It can be easy to get into the same old routine, especially when it comes to walking your dog. Whether it’s always going on the same trail or consistently leaving at the same time, you and your dog could be getting a little bored of the same old, same old. I know I’ve personally been in this slump before where walking the dog turns into a chore rather than something that can—and should—be enjoyed.

Are you in this slump, too? Keep reading to find out six easy ways to spice up your dog walk and to make things more interesting for both you and your pup!

1. Try a different route or trail.

This is probably the easiest and most effective way to spice up your dog walk! It can be easy to always walk on the same route, but it can sometimes get boring and predictable for both you and your dog. Try switching things up and going on a different route. If your dog does well in the car, try driving to another location and start your walk there. Or, if your dog likes hiking, look up some nearby trails and head over there the next time you go on a walk.

2. Bring a toy or treats for some playtime.

If you live nearby a park or open space, try walking your dog to that location and then have a little playtime session! This can help break up the walk while still getting your dog the exercise it needs. Bring a ball or frisbee to play catch (this is especially great because your dog can run around and get even more exercise) or grab a rope to play a few rounds of tug-of-war. You might want to do this closer to the end of your walk though, if you’re worried about your dog getting tired.

3. Add in some obedience training.

Who said obedience training can only be done at home? If your dog misbehaves—whether it’s that they keep wanting to go a different direction or won’t stop sniffing every bush or acorn that crosses your path—try some obedience training. With a firm tone, tell them to “stop,” “sit,” or “come” to practice some simple obedience training. You can even reward your dog with some treats if they listen! I personally wouldn’t recommend trying harder commands on your walk, since being outdoors can be distracting for your pup, but practicing some simple commands can help reinforce good habits!

4. Invite a friend or fellow dog owner to tag along.

Given the current situation, this can be a little more challenging, but it definitely can make your walk more fun and interesting! If you choose to invite a friend to tag along on your walk, make sure to stay six feet apart or more and to follow the guidelines given by your area. Or, try video calling a friend or family member so that they can virtually tag along too without leaving the comfort of their home!

5. Go on your walk at a different time than usual.

One great thing about this time is the added flexibility some of us may now have with our schedules! Try going on your walk during a different time than normal to switch things up. Changing your dog’s routine a little can be great for them mentally and help with their flexibility. One great idea is to go on your walk around sunset so you have a pretty view to enjoy! It also gets cooler around this time of day, which is another benefit, especially since it’s been getting hotter.

6. Use some dog walking apps.

There are some really cool dog walking apps out there that can make your walk more interesting! The app Tractive Dog Walk allows you to track how long you walked your dog and even where you went! There’s also a camera feature where you can take photos of your dog so you can capture the best moments of your walk. There are also several dog walking apps that even allow you to raise money to animal charities while on your walk! The app WoofTrax, for instance, has a feature in which you can join challenges and win money for your local shelter or rescue. You can also share your walks on social media to encourage other dog owners to support their nearby dog charities!

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