
How to Make Your Dog’s Check-up a Stress-free Experience

Regular vet visits are essential for your dog’s health and overall wellness, but this can be a stressful experience for your furry friend. Ultimately, it makes sense. Your dog only visits the vet a few times a year, and when they do, they are being poked or stuck with needles. Vet visits are not optional so preparing your dog for what’s to come can be a great way to reduce their stress levels. 

Here are some ways to make your dog’s check-up a stress-free experience:

Handling Exercises

Training your dog to be comfortable with restraint and examinations will greatly reduce their anxiety when they have their next vet visit. The best way to train is by practicing handling exercises. For example, add massages into your daily interactions. Start by massaging the paws, ears, mouth, belly, and tail to simulate a vet exam. During this process, it is very important to give your dog constant praise and/or treats. This will help them associate handing with rewards and make them less stressed for their true vet exam.

Training Can Help Smooth Vet Visits

Besides handling, there are other great training exercises to teach your dog before their vet exam. For example, teach your dog a standing position. A standing position allows the vet to easily examine your dog. Teaching your dog is not an impossible mission, especially when you lure them with rewards. For example, tell your dog to sit and then place a treat on their nose. Once your dog is in this position, slowly move the treat upward to guide them into a standing position. Once you teach them a standing position you can teach them to stay until released.

Visit the Vet for Fun

Many dogs only visit the vet for their yearly check-ups or if they are sick, so it is not uncommon for your dog to develop negative feelings toward vet visits. If you took your dog to the vet for fun or just to say hi, they would no longer associate the vet with a negative experience. Make sure to call your vet office beforehand to make sure you are following office protocols. While in the lobby, feed your dog treats so that they get used to the smells and sounds of the vet.

Bring the Right Tools to the Vet

Vet visits can be a much smoother experience if you pack all the right tools. Bring a bag of your dog’s favorite treats and feed them throughout the duration of the exam. It could even be a great idea to have the vet feed your dog a few treats, to encourage a positive association. Another way to help reduce stress during vet visits is by bringing your dog’s favorite chew toy. This can help distract them during the exam. 

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