
4 Warning Signs Your Dog Might Be Sick

hands touching the sleeping dog

If only dogs could talk! It can be difficult to tell when your dog is sick, which is why it is vital to pay attention to any changes in their behavior, activity level, temperament, or mobility. These changes can be an indication that something is not right and may require a visit to the veterinarian. Here are four warning signs your dog might be feeling under the weather:

Decrease In Appetite Or Excessive Thirst

A loss of appetite can be a serious indicator of an underlying illness, and it is important to take action if you notice a change in your dog’s eating habits. If your dog is refusing to eat more than two meals, this is definitely a cause for concern. Try offering your dog small, frequent meals throughout the day to see if this helps stimulate their appetite. If they still won’t eat, it’s time for a visit to the vet.

Unexplained Aggression Or Behavioral Changes

Sudden behavioral changes in dogs can be caused by various underlying medical conditions or illnesses, including pain, discomfort and hormonal imbalances. This can result in dogs becoming irritable and aggressive. A dog that is displaying aggressive behavior may exhibit signs like snarling or growling, increased vocalization, biting or nipping, or increased territoriality over objects or family members. If your dog is exhibiting signs of unexplained aggression or changes in behavior, it is important to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

Lethargy Or Hiding

Lethargy in dogs can be problematic when it is moderate to severe. If your dog is so lethargic that nothing gets their attention, this is a warning sign of severe lethargy and will require an immediate visit to the vet. The same rule of thumb applies if your dog’s lethargy lasts longer than 24 hours or if there are other symptoms present along with the lethargy, such as vomiting and weakness. Additionally, if your dog is hiding or exhibiting any symptoms in tandem with this behavior, you should head to the emergency vet. In the wild, sick animals instinctively avoid predators by finding concealed resting places. Although your sick or injured pet is in no danger in your home, their natural instincts trigger the desire to locate a safe hiding place.

Inability To Urinate Or Changes In Bathroom Habits

When a dog cannot urinate, there are usually two potential causes: either they have developed an obstruction or they have a urinary tract infection. Obstructions are more common than infections, but both can be dangerous if not treated immediately. If your dog has an inability to urinate or is experiencing changes in bathroom habits, this is a major signal that there is a health problem. An immediate visit to the veterinarian is imperative, in order to determine the cause and to avoid serious complications detrimental to your dog, such as a bladder rupture.

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