
The Real Benefits of Owning a Pet (Hint: It’s Not Just For Humans)

Woof, Woof! If you ask my parents about me, they will admit that I have caused them some headaches but they will be the first one to tell you that they would not have it other way. It is true that we depend on our owners for food, exercise, shelter, and love but in exchange, we provide our humans with valuable benefits.

🐾Dogs help humans connect with other people. Every time I take my mother for a walk, she becomes the most popular gal on the street. Do you know how many times we get greeted by strangers? We can bring smiles and make our owners interact with people. With every friendly wave my parents get, their spirit is lifted.

🐾We can help reduce the stress level. Petting your dog and interacting with your dog can help you decrease your blood pressure and lower anxiety. Science has shown that when you pet and interact with a dog, humans have an increase in the levels of dopamine and serotonin. These neurochemicals are responsible for feelings of calmness and well-being. I encourage you to scratch your furry friend right now to get those “neurochemicals” flowing in your system.

🐾Often we add purpose to your life. Almost everything you do for your puppy will elicit a tail wag. It does not matter how small that action may be. From petting to feeding to grooming to walking – your dog will always appreciate your presence and actions. You can always count with loving response from your four-legged companion.

🐾Dogs can help you be more active. I love when my parents take me for a nice walk! By taking me for a walk, I make sure they stay active, they gain more energy and they can release their daily stress.

🐾We can help decrease the risk of depression. We provide more than a brief smile on people’s faces. For some people, dogs can provide a lasting improvement in mood and outlook. We can help reduce the risk and severity of depression. Just by providing simple companionship we offer the social support needed to decrease loneliness.

These are just few examples. While you don’t want to adopt a dog for these reasons alone, if you are a dog lover and owner you may be receiving these added benefits of pet ownership.

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