
5 Signs To Never Ignore In Your Dog

tired pug resting on floor

As a pet owner, you know your dog better than anyone. If something doesn’t seem right, trust your instincts – they could be a sign of a serious medical condition or illness. If you are noticing any of the following signs or symptoms in your pet, you should visit your vet immediately:

Excessive or Heavy Panting

Dogs pant to cool themselves off, which is normal, especially after exercise or spending time outside on a warm day. However, excessive or heavy panting could mean your pup’s body temperature is too high, and could be an indicator of something potentially more serious. If you notice your dog’s breathing seems off, go to the vet immediately to prevent or rule out the possibility of heatstroke, poisoning, heart failure, Cushing’s disease, pneumonia, or lung tumors.

Sudden or Excessive Drooling

Some dog breeds drool more often than others, such as labs, boxers and mastiffs. However, sudden, excessive drooling may indicate warning signs of heatstroke or dental issues like periodontitis or a tooth abscess.

Excessive Water Consumption

If your dog is drinking more water than usual and exhibiting signs of dehydration or lethargy, there may be a cause for concern. Excessive water consumption coupled with excessive panting can be signs of an illness. While these symptoms are common in older dogs, they can also be indicative of other systemic conditions.

Behavioral Changes

If your dog is exhibiting unexpected or strange behavior, it could be related to pain or a medical condition. Behavioral changes such as aggression, moodiness, erratic temperament, hyperactivity, fearfulness, anxiety and submissiveness can signal that your dog is in need of medical attention.

Odor Changes

As your pet ages, you may notice several differences in the way they smell. Changes in odor can come from the mouth and skin, as well as from the ears, urine and stool. If this is the case, your furry friend may be experiencing sickness or disease, meaning it’s time to pay a visit to your veterinarian to make sure all is well.

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