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cancer prevention in dogs

  • animal labrador animals dogs

    4 Tips For Senior Dog Care

    Caring for a senior dog involves adapting their lifestyle to meet their changing needs. Regular attention, veterinary care, and a comfortable environment contribute to a happy and fulfilling senior life for…

  • person feeding a pet dog

    Supplements For Dogs: 4 Considerations To Know

    Supplements for dogs can be beneficial in certain situations, but it’s essential to use them with caution and under the guidance of a professional. Here are four important things to know…

  • close up of a german shepherd dog

    5 Ways To Detect Cancer In Dogs

    Detecting cancer in dogs requires a combination of vigilant observation, regular veterinary check-ups and diagnostic tests. Remember that dogs can’t communicate their discomfort in the same way humans do, so paying…

  • photo of person petting a dog

    5 Tips For Caring For A Dog With Arthritis

    As our canine companions age, it’s not uncommon for them to experience the same aches and pains that humans do. One common ailment that affects many senior dogs is arthritis. Arthritis…

  • tired pug resting on floor

    5 Signs To Never Ignore In Your Dog

    As a pet owner, you know your dog better than anyone. If something doesn’t seem right, trust your instincts – they could be a sign of a serious medical condition or…

  • Health

    How to Prevent Cancer in your Dog [A Must Read]

    Every day, more is being learned about cancer and its prevention. While cancer prevention techniques continue to evolve, all experts agree that certain lifestyle choices can directly influence cancer risk. Similar…