
How to Create the Best Environment For Training Your Dog – Part II

If you and your dog followed the first three rules last week, your dog by now should understand that food and freedom comes from you. You are the source of all good things.

The rest of the rules will ensure your dog identifies you as the leader. 

1. Sleeping Areas

🐾 Limit your dog’s sleeping areas – preferably to a crate or dog bed.

🐾 During this training do not allow your dog on any furniture (this includes your bed). If later on you want to provide the privilege of sitting on the couch with you, she must first say “please” and wait for your command to join you.

2. Playtime

🐾 Before starting playtime ask your dog to perform a behavior like sitting. Once your dog performs it, you may start playtime! Remember that when playing, you (the human) start the game and you (the human) end the game.

🐾 Before you offer a toy to your dog, ask her to perform a “sit” or “down.” If she performs it, she has earned the toy. If she does not perform it, the toy goes back to the box and out of reach. Wait a minute and try again.

3. Training Occurs At All Times

🐾 Remember we are ALWAYS WATCHING AND LEARNING even when you think you are not training. We learn from every experience and interaction. For example, when my family gets home, I get super excited to the point that I just want to jump up and down! I’ve learned that my aunty will open the door if I bark louder but my parents ignore me when I’m super excited. Barking does not work with them. L They only open the door of my crate when I sit quietly.

4. Provide Enough Exercise

🐾 Many dog owners underestimate the level of exercise that we (dogs) need. Providing the appropriate amount of exercise by walking, running, swimming, or fetching is critical for our good health. Also, exercise helps us release tension and stress and can contribute to better training sessions and a greater ability to learn. If you work long hours, consider hiring a dog sitter that can take your puppy for walks and provide eth exercise she needs. Alternatively, doggie day camp is a great option for some puppies.

These new house rules will help your dog gain not only self-control but they will also encourage her to find you interesting and worth listening to.

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