
Best 5 Tips to Teach Your Dog to Come When Called

Having a dog that comes to you as soon as you call, no matter what is going on, is priceless. The “recall” command can save your dog’s life in a dangerous situation. Because the recall command is so important, the dog’s name should NEVER be used without a purpose.

When we brought Emma to our home, she was energetic, curious, and capable of finding adventures in less than one second. My husband would use her name to say “Emma, no!” every time she was doing something she was not supposed to. Guess what? She would not come when called by my husband. You can imagine how frustrating this was for him.

Here I share a game that will help you either teach or reinforce the recall command.

🐾   Start this exercise in a quiet room. In a pleasant tone of voice call your dog. For the sake of using an example, I will use “Emma.” If the dog looks or moves towards you, click and treat. Even the slightest movement towards you counts. For information about how to use the clicker, refer to our post on tips to effectively communicate with your dog.

🐾   Repeat. Call your dog’s name (“Milo!”) with a happy voice. If your dog comes to you, click and treat! Jump and run for happiness. Celebrate like crazy! You want to convey to your dog that every time she comes to you after hearing her/his name, it’s PAWTY and treat time! Repeat several times (5-10 times in a session).

🐾   Now leave the room, so your dog cannot see you. You may have to place a small pile of kibble on the floor to distract your dog, so she/he does not follow you out of the room. Alternatively, stay in the same area and hide behind the sofa or another piece of furniture. Call your dog’s name again (“Emma!”). Call once. If your dog has trouble finding you, make noises so she /he can locate you. When your dog finds you, click and treat! Greet your dog with enthusiasm! Give her/him several treats this time so your dog can associate the sound of her/his name with a positive reward.

🐾   Practice this exercise any time and everywhere in the house. Hide and call her (“Emma!”). When your fluffy friend finds you, click and treat. Celebrate with your dog! Your dog is learning that when YOU call her name, and she comes to you great things happen, including a tasty treat.

🐾   Practice this game every day. Anytime you get a chance. This will help reinforce your dog to come to you when you need her/him to follow the command. Only call your dog once. If your dog does not respond, do not keep repeating the name. In this case, wait and try at another time.

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