
The New Puppy Checklist: Everything you need before bringing your puppy home

close up of dog yawning

Getting a puppy is both exciting and overwhelming. Welcoming a new member of the family into the home can be a major adjustment so we are here to help you by providing a puppy checklist with a list of the home essentials you need. 

Keep in mind all of the puppy essentials will vary based on the size of your furry friend. Remember to consider how big the puppy will be when you bring them home versus when they are fully grown before investing in any major essentials!  


Crates are available for dogs of all sizes. They even design crates that can be adjusted as your dog grows. Your puppy should be able to stand and lay down comfortably in their crate. While crate training, some puppies do better when their crate is covered so you should also consider buying a crate cover. 

Dog Bed 

Major tip for a puppy is to start with a less expensive bed. This is because when they go through teething, they will likely put a few holes in it, or destroy it altogether. They will also grow a bit so a bigger bed will be needed down the road. This bed won’t be inside of their kennel, but instead placed somewhere around the home for a comfy spot. 


A belt style buckle collar is the safest and most adaptable collar to get for your new pup. Get one that is an appropriate width for them based on their breed and size. It should fit snugly but have room for them to grow into it.


Consider what your lifestyle will require when picking out a leash. The sizing for your leash is also dependent on the size of your puppy. The width adds weight so small dogs should have thinner leashes. Larger dogs will be safer on a more sturdy leash. The length should range from four to six feet.


You will go through more toys with puppies than any other supply. When picking out toys, keep in mind your puppy will be teething usually from about ages three to six months. Their baby teeth are very sharp so plush toys will be picked apart pretty quickly.

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