
How to Keep Your Dog Happy & Safe During the Holidays

Happy Howlidays! The Sniffing for the Cure staff is very excited this year! We are celebrating the holidays at home with our extended family. We can’t wait to see our human cousins, aunties, uncles, grandma, and grandpa. Woof, woof!

This week, we want to share some friendly reminders to keep your four-legged friends happy and safe during the holidays.

🐾  If you are planning to have a big group of people at home, like we are, remember that not all dogs like to be where there is a large group of strangers. To ensure your dog is comfortable, keep your furry friend by your side, or with someone he knows or in his crate in a quiet room. This will keep your doggie at ease, prevent him from getting into trouble and from eating all the hors-d’oeuvres.

🐾  Remember to keep your dog’s feeding, walking, and playtime schedule as close as possible to your usual routine. For your dog, every moment he spends with you is a holiday.

🐾  Avoid sharing cookies, chocolate, candy or regular human food with your dog. Rich, fatty foods can cause pancreatitis and make your dog sick. Also, the caffeine and theobromine in chocolate can cause vomiting, diarrhea, rapid heartbeat, increased urination, muscle tremors, and seizures.

🐾  Do not share or give alcohol to your dog. Even small amounts of alcohol can be toxic.

🐾  Avoid glass ornaments in lower areas where your dog can access them. These can break and may injure your hairy friend.

🐾  Edible ornaments are not ideal to have in a home or tree if you have a dog in the house. Your dog most likely will try to eat them.

🐾  Keep electrical cords out of reach. Some dogs try to chew them and get badly electrocuted.

🐾  Keep burning candles in high places, out of the way.

🐾  Holiday plants like poinsettia and mistletoe are toxic to pets. Make sure your dog does not eat them.

🐾  It is a good idea to keep the garbage locked or out of your dog’s reach. Our mom keeps the trash locked in the kitchen. She says it is to avoid any of us eating spoiled food, bones or any leftovers.

🐾  Remember to have fun with your furry friend, family, and loved ones.

Happy Howlidays!


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