
Breaking the Stigmas Surrounding Pit Bulls

When it comes to Pit Bulls, many people – including dog lovers – are quick to criticize this helpless breed. On average, an estimated 1 million animals are euthanized every year – 40% of those being Pit Bulls. Studies show that many of these Pitbulls accounted for were not given the chance of adoption as they were euthanized upon arrival to shelters. This high percentage comes regarding the misinformation and stigma surrounding this breed. We are going to go discuss and debunk the myths associated with Pitbulls, and hopefully, provide perspective as to how these ideas came about. 

Pit Bulls Are One Breed

When we think of Pit Bulls as a whole, we think of a big, stocky, and mean-looking dog. If we judged people by the way they looked, I’m sure we’d find out that not everything is what it appears. Pit Bulls are commonly mistaken as one specific breed when in reality four different breeds make up this family including, the American Bully, the American Staffordshire Terrier, The Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and the American Pit Bull Terrier.  Don’t let similar characteristics blind you, as no two dogs are the same.

The Strongest Bite + Jaws Lock 

One of the main reasons people fear Pit Bulls is the concern that they have the strongest bite and their jaws will lock. However, contrary to popular belief there is no evidence to support this accusation according to various Veterinarians. Many studies regarding this misconception have concluded that Pit Bulls or any other dog, do not have a jaw locking mechanism in their anatomical structure to do so. If you were to view their skull with the naked eye, you would be able to how Pit Bulls share similar characteristics and bone structures as many other dog breeds. 

Dangerous and Aggressive 

Just like humans are a product of their environment, the same applies to all dogs. However, this does not ignore the fact that there are dogs who tend to show more aggression than others. This issue can be a factor of being poorly bred or trained to act in such behavior. Despite their poor reputation, Pit Bulls are one of the most loving dog breeds. If raised in the proper environment, Pit Bulls are very loyal to their owners and very protective of young children! They were even known as the “nanny dog” for their natural caretaker characteristics. 

Pit Bulls are incredibly misunderstood which has unfortunately continued to take many lives due to the stigmas surrounding this breed. As pet owners, we understand that our dogs are very unique and have their personalities, just like humans. If you were to ask any Pit Bull owner, I guarantee they would contest to their loyalness and affection shown by these dogs. Pit Bulls are overgeneralized to the point of misconception. As a dog community, let’s do better.

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