Lifestyle Training

5 Tips to Establish a Sleeping Routine for Your Dog

We’ve all been there before: we get back home from a long day of work or school, craving a good night’s sleep. But our furry friends keep us up all night, running around the house, barking, and pawing at our bed. Or they cuddle up in our beds and refuse to leave, forcing us to sleep in an awkward position that leaves our bodies aching and cramping the next day. So how do you establish a proper sleeping routine for your dog? Here are five tips I have to help you and your pets get some more quality sleep at night.

Exercise your dogs to help them sleep better at night.

If your dog is still full of energy at night, then this could be a sign that they are not getting enough exercise during the day. Taking your dog on long walks, runs, or energetic play sessions will help your dog burn off all that excess energy. Try throwing some puzzle toys into the mix as well; these toys don’t require much time and effort on your end, but they can also help tire your dog out mentally before bedtime.

Notice your dog’s sleeping preferences.

When your dog falls asleep, notice where they prefer to sleep, and what they like to sleep on. Some dogs love sleeping in their fluffy dog beds; others are perfectly content sleeping on the cool kitchen tile. Identifying your dog’s preferences can help you design their sleeping arrangements. For example, if your dog enjoys sleeping under the table with a blanket, don’t force them to sleep in a crate at night.

Keep things quiet at night.

You wouldn’t sleep well with loud sounds coming from the other room. And it turns out that your dog won’t either! Give your pets some peace and quiet at night. Listen to music with headphones in, speak more quietly, or turn the volume down on the TV. You might even play soothing music or nature sounds to help put your dog to sleep.

Try to stick to a consistent nighttime routine.

When developing a sleeping routine for your dog, consistency is key! Dogs enjoy routine; they like knowing when they will be let out in the mornings, when they will be fed, and when they get to go on walks. Establish a consistent bedtime routine with your dog. For example, feed them at a consistent time each night, and set a time to let them use the bathroom at night, usually right before bed. Try not to play too much right before bedtime, because this might get your dog overly-excited. Consistency will not only keep your pooch happy, but it will also train them to relax more fully at night.

If you’re going to let your dog sleep in your bed, make sure you understand (and accept!) exactly what this entails. 

Many dog owners enjoy sleeping with their warm, cuddly dogs right by their side. However, if you are going to let your dog in bed with you, make sure you are prepared to let them sleep there every night (remember: consistency!). If you have bad allergies, then it’s not a great idea to have your dog in bed, as they can track in dirt, pollen, and grass. Similarly, if you are a light sleeper, then a dog’s tossing, turning, and moving could keep you up all night. As an alternative, encourage your dog to sleep at the foot on your bed. I like to do this by placing my dog’s favorite cushion, blanket, or dog bed on the floor of the bedroom. At the end of the day, keeping your dog’s sleeping arrangement consistent each night will help you and your pet get a better night’s sleep.

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