
5 Tips for Managing a Job and a Dog

You have your dream job, tons of friends and family that you love, but still, feel like you’re missing something. That little something you’re missing is a furry little friend that will be the most unconditionally loving companion, making everything in your life that much better. But, you remember the reason you don’t have a furry little friend is because of your worry that you won’t be able to take care of it while working a full-time job. Well, you’re not alone in this worry. In fact, most dog owners struggle with figuring out how to create a work-life balance when it comes to taking care of their dog. To help alleviate any of your concerns and to make sure you finally get the furry companion you deserve, here are 5 tips to effectively manage a job and a dog!

Take Your Dog to Work

While this tip may not apply to everyone, there is an increasing number of businesses that are allowing employees to bring their dogs with them to work. Companies such as Amazon, have begun allowing their employees to do so if their dog is well-trained and obedient. In addition, lots of jobs that are outdoors or family-friendly are likely to allow for well-behaved dogs. You can advocate for bringing your dog to work with you by reminding your boss of the various benefits that dogs bring to the workplace, such as emotional support and potential new business (everyone loves to pet a dog!)

Work From Home

Especially with the onset and continued prominence of the global pandemic, working from home, also now known as remote work, has become increasingly popular. Since the world has now had around a year of working remotely, working from home has become a common practice, making it easier to advocate for. When approaching your boss to discuss the potential of working from home on a more permanent basis, focus on the benefits that the company will receive from this arrangement for you – increased efficiency, heightened productivity, and an overall decrease of company resources. Without your boss knowing, they just signed up for you not only being able to work from the comfort of your own home, but also spend more time with your furry little one!

Exercise Before You Go

If you’re trying to find a way to help ensure that your dog is quietly resting all day while you’re at work, make sure to take them on an extra big morning exercise before you leave. While we’re all trying to find ways to add in some extra sleep to our schedules, waking up an extra half an hour earlier to fit in exercise before you go off to work can make a huge difference. Your morning exercise could be any number of things – playing at a dog park, going for a walk, going for a jog – as long as it will drain your pup of their energy first thing in the morning, then you’re set! Adding in that extra 30 minutes of exercise and play can help ensure that your pup will spend more of its day sleeping, relaxing, and having no worries about you being gone for so long.

Head Home For Lunch

If you’re worried about a mid-day accident in the house, going home for your lunch break might be the best option for you. A lot of dog owners try to live within a short commute of their job so that they can make a quick trip back home during their lunch break to check in with their little one. Stopping by during your lunch break gives you the opportunity to quickly let them out, refresh their water and food bowls, play with them for a few minutes, make something for yourself to eat, and give yourself the little refresh you so desperately need during your long work day. 

Sync Your Family’s Schedule

If you live with or nearby close family and friends, try to align their schedules with yours so that you can coordinate a recurring schedule for your pup. By having a few people on your team, you can more easily delegate breaks within everyone’s day to taking care of your pup, making sure that your little one is being properly taken care of. This also means that your pup will get to have more visitors than usual, making them extra happy and grateful!

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