
5 Fun Games To Play With Your Dog This Summer

soaked wet long coated dog opens mouth at water streams on green grass

With summer just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about fun activities that can be enjoyed outdoors for you and your pup. Here are some fun variations on classic games that you and your dog will love this season!

Frisbee or Fetch 

Take your dog’s classic game of fetch to the next level by playing in the water at the beach or at a lake. This is an excellent way for your dog to stay cool in the heat while still getting that exercise in. Try using floating frisbees and balls that are weighted, so you can drop them into the lake, or throw them across the beach for your pup to bring back to you!

Agility Course

Agility courses are great for stimulating dogs while also providing ample exercise. It doesn’t need to be overly complicated, just enough for you and your dog to bond and enjoy together. These can include poles for your dog to jump over, tunnels to run through, upright poles for your dog to weave through and more. If you have a pool, try adding swimming as part of the course. Get creative and have fun getting your dog moving.

Water Games

Swimming is an exciting form of exercise and playtime for dogs, especially those who don’t always have a body of water nearby. Take your dog swimming at a lake or at the beach, or even in your own backyard pool. You can also buy a kiddie pool, as a last resort! Swimming is also great for dogs’ coats, as it adds buoyancy and helps their skin stay strong, smooth and healthy. Always be sure your dog is properly trained to swim and is comfortable around water.


Just about anything can be a toy for your dog. For some dogs, it may be more fun to chase whatever you’re doing outdoors, as opposed to actually playing with a toy. Try enticing your pup with a bubble blower! Your dog might love jumping up and biting at them. On extra warm days, sprinklers and hoses are an easy way to create movement and keep your pup cool, simultaneously.


Dogs love searching for their favorite toys and treats. One of your pooch’s favorite games can be given a summertime upgrade with frozen dog toys. Fill them with water or other liquids like pureed fruit, mashed banana, or peanut butter before freezing them. Hide the frozen toy around the house or backyard, then let your dog search for it as a reward.

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