
3 Reasons Why Adopting a Senior Dog is Life-Changing

When thinking about adopting a new dog, it’s easy to get all caught up in picking out your favorite breed and communicating with breeders to get the perfect one, or heading down the local shelter and finding a young one for you to take home.

However, a majority of the dogs at shelters are actually considered seniors (7-8 years old), that also need a home. And while it may be tempting to go right for the puppies, there are many ways that senior dogs actually stand out from young ones.

Here are 3 reasons why you might want to consider adopting a senior dog!

1. They May Have Already Been Trained

Puppies require lots of attention and hours of potty training and learning basic commands. With senior dogs, you might get lucky and already get one that knows how to go to the bathroom outside, how to sit and stay when told.

Along with training, senior dogs might already know basic manners since many of them have likely been in a home before and know how to behave around humans. This will allow them to get comfortable more quickly and familiar to your home and family members.

2. They’re More Easygoing

Puppies and young dogs are full of energy…like 0-100 in 2 seconds, teethings, biting, ripping up pillows and getting into trouble. But senior dogs don’t usually need constant attention or exercise; they’re happy just hanging out by you and sleeping. Of course they’ll need to go for a walk and exercise, but the expectations and attention are much lower.

Not only that, puppies are very clingy. I know that with younger pups they can have crippling separation anxiety. If you take out the trash and are gone for 1 minute, they are crying, howling, and scratching your door to get to you. Senior dogs, because they are independent, will (usually) not mind you having your space and going to work or run errands throughout the day.

This is not to say that you won’t be faced with a dog with separation anxiety. This can happen in all breeds of all ages. You might just get lucky with your new senior dog. Rescue dogs never know a real home so it’s important to consider early on in building a relationship with your dog.

3. You Could Save Their Life…Literally

Literally and metaphorically you are saving their life. Many dogs are euthanized and some even pass away before they can find a home (so sad). By adopting a senior dog you are giving them comfort, love, support, and saving their life from being euthanized. No dogs deserve to spend their last few years in a cold, loud, loveless shelter, so by adopting them, you’r giving them a home they deserve.

Have you adopted a senior dog? Let us know in the comments!

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