
11 Pro Tips to Take The Perfect Pic of Your Pups

My iPhone library is full to the brim with photos of my dogs. I just cant resist the cuteness. Whether they are just sleeping peacefully or playing with toys or on a walk, I have to pull out my phone and snap a few pictures.

I have taken family photos with a professional (Robyn Arouty) and they turned out amazing. But when we’re not taking family portraits, I’m using portrait mode on my iPhone to get the best pictures of my pups. These days, you don’t need a fancy camera to get great pics, your phone camera will do just fine.

Below, I’ve put together a list of 11 pro tips you can use to take the perfect pic of your pups.

1. Get your dog used to your camera or cellphone: 

Make sure your pup is familiar with your device. Let them sniff it . . . Make sure they’re comfortable with it.

2. Curate the Scene

There’s nothing worse than an adorable dog picture that has a garbage can or an unmade bed in the background. Make sure the scene is set, pillows are fluffed, no dirty shoes on the floor…you get the picture.

3. Just go with it

Don’t try to get your dog to pose with you or sit a certain way. You should follow your dog’s lead and let them decide which direction they want to face. This is their moment!

4. Natural Light is a Photographer’s Best Friend

If you have a lot of natural light coming from a specific area of the house, try to move the photoshoot over there. Natural light – as opposed to artificial light from your light bulbs or lamps- will make your pictures much softer and more pleasing to look at.

Also, shooting at dawn and dusk (golden hour) will make your pictures look professional.

5. Get on their level

Eye level or just above eye level is usually the best. Don’t be afraid to get on the floor. Getting on their level (hand and knees sometimes) allows us to see the world from their perspective.

6. Keep treats handy

Always have treats on hand! Dogs will do just about anything for treats. If you hold the camera up with one hand, and the treat with the other just above the lens, you will get the perfect picture.

7. Squeaky Toys or Whistles Help

The squeaks always help get that super cute head tilt.

8. Iphone Portrait Mode or Slo-Mo

The iPhone is great. The portrait mode these days gets so much details and has a great feature that blurs out the background and gets the subject (your pup) in perfect focus.

For videos when they’re doing something funny, switch to slo-mo and see what magic and laughs you can create!

9. Selfie Stick Anyone?

I did a blog post recently on a some great selfie sticks designed specifically for taking puppy pictures. Click here to see them!

10. Hurry! Snap Quickly

Act quickly! Getting a great pet shot is all about precision. If you take too long to make your move, your dog will look away.

11. Sometimes it doesn’t happen

If it’s not happening, it’s not happening. Always be willing to compromise- if your pet seems to be getting frustrated or uncooperative, it’s probably best to put the camera away and try again later. There will always be more opportunities to get the perfect pic!

Did I miss any? Let me know in the comments below what other tips you have about taking the perfect pet picture.

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