
Tips to Keep Your Favorite Furry Friend Happy & Healthy

Our pets give us an immense source of happiness and joy – especially if you are an avid animal lover. It has been said many times that dog’s are man’s best friend and therefore you should be treating your pet like a member of the family. Although we love our furry friends, it is also important to note how complicated they are. 

They have emotions just like us so it is important to keep in mind a few key tips to keep your pup’s happy and healthy! Here is a list of our favorite tips: 

Nourish Them 

Finding the the proper food for your dog is key to maintaining their health. It is crucial to feed your pup the right amount so he can be the right healthy weight! Making sure you monitor your dog’s eating can help extend their lifespan and keep obesity-related issues at bay. Remember to always choose high-quality dog foods with ample amount of fats and protein. These are your dogs main energy source so it is key to make sure the food you are giving them daily has the proper nutrients. 

Pay Attention to Their Behavior 

As a dog owner is it key to start recongizing odd behavior! Learning to recognize stress depression, or anxiety in your dogs is crucial to master. Some red flags we tell pet owners to look out for are refusing food, not sleeping, and not seeking attention. Make sure to if you observe any major behavior changes to note them immediately and call a vet for guidance on treatment! 

Pay Attention to Their Behavior 

Your pet should be physically fit and active to ensure a long healthy life! An easy way you can keep your furry friend happy and healthy is by actively playing with them outdoors. This can involve going for a hike, walk, swimming, or playing fetch! Just a simple 10 minutes of playtime or activity can greatly help your dog’s mood.

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