
4 Tips for Caring for Your Senior Dog 

close up photo of sleeping dog

While it’s sad to see our pets getting older, there are certain things as pet owners we can do in order to make the most out of caring for our aging pets! While many pet owners think their dogs’ health problems simply come with age, there are small acts of care you can provide for your pet to help slow their physical and cognitive decline. 

Here is a list of four ways you can care for an older dog: 

Keeping them Active  

Dog’s need plenty of exercise to stay healthy – especially older dogs. The Blue Cross recommends older dogs to exercise little and often. Although older dogs usually have a decline in energy it is important to carve out small times throughout the day to make sure they stay active – even for a short walk. 

Pay attention to their Nutrition  

In older dogs, it is common to see an increase in weight gain and obesity – especially due to lowered energy levels resulting in less overall movement. A way to give a little extra care to your older dog is by switching out their dog food for one that caters towards senior pets. The food catered towards senior dogs is packed with nutrients that give them strength, have fewer calories, reduced fat, and more fiber – keeping them healthier overall. 

Put their Bed in the Perfect Spot  

Any easy way to show your older dog some extra care is by getting them a new comfy bed. Making sure you place their bed in a place that is warm, quiet, and easily accessible is key for older dogs who have trouble climbing stairs. 

Groom them Regularly 

When dogs get older it can be difficult to keep them as healthy as they used to be. One easy way to keep your senior pet happy and healthy is by grooming them often on a regular routine. When pets get older and their joints stiffen, it becomes harder for them to self groom. Making sure to carve out time each week to groom your pet will keep them feeling happier and healthier.

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