As you well know, not all dogs have the same temperament. As loving dog owners, we want to believe that our dogs behave perfectly. As a dog owner, I can testify that not all of my dogs behave well at all times.
Stanley and Albert have a calm temperament, and as long as they have their daily exercise, they behave well. Training both of them was very easy. When Emma came home, the dynamics changed.Emma was a hyperactive puppy. She was also shy when encountering other people and other animals. Now, her shyness converted into reactivity to other dogs. As a dog owner, I take responsibility for how my dogs behave, and I should ensure that all of our dogs are healthy, safe and happy.
I am sharing this story because I want you to know that we are not perfect. We (Jason and I) are currently working with behavioral trainers so we can learn how to communicate with our dogs effectively. What I have learned is that Emma is a fast learner and that I am the one that needs significant training.
During one of my sessions, we encountered an unleashed dog. Luckily the situation didn’t get out of control. This experience prompted me to review essential pet etiquette tips when taking your dog for a walk.
Taking a dog to a public place means that you need to be attentive to how your dog behaves at all times. It also means being honest in the assessment of your dog’s personality and knowing whether your dog can behave at a public place. As responsible dog owners, we have a responsibility to manage our pets’ behavior and ensure the safety of everyone. Also, it is important to understand that your dog’s behavior lies on you. Therefore, as responsible dog owners, we must ensure we are courteous and that our dogs are well-mannered.
Here are some tips we can all follow when taking Fluffy out for a walk:
🐾 Always leash Fluffy on walks. It is a good idea to keep your dog close to you and stay alert to others. The leash should be short enough to prevent your dog from touching or jumping on another person or dog. Even if your dog is well behaved, your dog should be on a leash in a public place(unless it is clearly stated that unleashed dogs are allowed). Seeing an unleashed dog can make anyone nervous. Keep in mind that not everyone is comfortable around dogs. Therefore, respect the space of others.
🐾 Scoop your dog’s poop. Always bring several bags on your walks, so you have enough in case Fluffy needs to poop. If for some reason you run out of bags, come back and clean it up later, or ask another dog walker if they have an extra bag. Also, it is not nice to let your dog urinate on people’s property such as lawns, shrubs, trees, cars, and mailboxes.
🐾 Prevent barking or reactive reaction. I would strongly recommend that if your dog barks or reacts to other dogs or people, that you closely work with a trainer that can help you redirect your dog’s attention. You will need to practice redirecting your dog’s attention if she barks at people or other dogs. If your dog is very stressed around strangers or other dogs, avoid taking him out for a walk when the street is crowded. If you have a reactive dog, do not give up. Work with a trainer and remember that the reward is priceless.
🐾 Greeting. If you see another dog and owner approaching, ask permission before approaching them. Respect the other’s response. Not all dogs enjoy the interaction with strangers or other dogs. Preferably, keep your dog close to you and maintain some space as other dogs pass.
🐾 Be aware of other people’s feelings. If your dog does something to upset someone (jumping up, barking) apologize to them. It is not a good idea to shrug your shoulders since it may give the impression that you are not taking responsibility for your dog’s behavior. Lastly, take measures to prevent the situation from reoccurring.
It is up to us to make certain that when we take our dogs for a walk, we ensure the safety of our pets, other people’s pets and other humans so we can all enjoy public spaces.
I would love to hear from you. Please let me know if I have missed any other pet etiquette tips I should include.

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