
How to Have a Safe Dog Boat Day This Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day Weekend is here and so is… *drum roll please*… a fun-filled boat day! Whether you’ll be cruising up the coast with friends or having a sandbar day, don’t forget the most important thing, your pup! Dogs love the wind in their fur on a breezy boat day. It keeps them cool in the hot summer sun and gets their energy out, similar to letting them poke their heads out the window. However, boating with pets comes with safety tips that should be followed to ensure a hassle-free trip.

Here are dog safety tips for boating:

Puppy Life Vests Are A Must

It’s called the “doggy paddle” for a reason! Although some dogs are extremely strong swimmers, some dogs are not. Dogs like pugs and bulldogs have a harder time swimming because they are less buoyant. Their dense bodies make it much harder for them to stay afloat. Regardless of your pup’s swimming skills, it is crucial that they have a lifevest if they end up overboard. The current may be strong and dogs can only hold themselves up for so long.

Get The Right Puppy Life Vest

Just like people are hard to see in the water, dogs are even harder. Their small size is usually overlooked by boaters so it is crucial that the vest you get your pup is a bright color and you are close enough to them to pick them up. Some dog vests have dandles which are very important to grab your dog in situations like these.

Have A Potty Break Plan

Bringing your dog on the boat comes with many responsibilities to ensure the comfort of your pet, one of which is bathroom breaks. If your dog is used to using a training pad, bring plenty on the boat so your dog won’t have to hold it until you reach land. If not, bring your dog’s leash and make sure to have designated spots that you’re able to dock, but also has grass/is dog friendly.

Have A Designated “Dog Watcher”

Although everyone wants to have fun and be carefree on the boat, someone should always have eyes on your furry friend. This is especially true if you are the captain of the boat. Being at sea, it is very easy to get distracted by your pet and end up lost or causing an accident. To avoid this, ask a friend on board to keep an eye on your pet while you man the wheel. This will avoid an unwanted wreck or getting lost.

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