
9 Great Tips For Keeping Your Dog Safe in The Car

 Stanley, Albert, and Emma love jumping in the car, but that’s not the case for all dogs. To ensure an enjoyable and safe road trip, we share some safety tips to keep your precious dog out of trouble.

🐾 When traveling with your dog, restrain him in the back seat of your vehicle.

You can use a crate or carrier if your dog is small or a harness and a seat belt if your dog is large. Take a look at our post on four things you must know before you take your dog on vacation to learn what type of harness or carrier to use for your hairy friend. Restraining your puppy, will avoid distractions and also protect him in case of a collision.

🐾 Turn off the power windows.

Prevent Fluffy from opening the back windows and jumping out.

🐾 Feed your dog 4-6 hours before departure.

To avoid car sickness, do not give your dog a full meal during the drive.

🐾 Walk your dog 10-15 mins before your departure.

The short walk will help your dog burn some energy and be calmer before your departure.

🐾 Your dog’s head should be inside the car.

Although it may be fun for Fluffy to stick her head out of the window, it is not safe for her. Flying objects and debris can injure her eyes and ears.

🐾 Your dog should travel with you in the car.

It is not safe to place your dog in the bed of a pickup truck. Every year more than 100,000 dogs die from falling off of pickup trucks. Your dog could jump out of the car or be thrown. Also, it is not advisable to harness or leash your dog to the truck bed.

🐾 Stop every 2-4 hours.

You and your dog will need regular stops. A short walk and some affection will provide positive stimulation for you and your dog. Also, a short walk will improve your leg circulation and prevent you from getting a blood clot in your legs. Offer your dog some water and give him the opportunity to relieve himself.

🐾 Before opening the car door, hold on your dog’s leash.

Securing the leash will prevent her from running away. Dogs can become disoriented during traveling.

🐾 NEVER EVER leave your dog in a parked car.

The temperature inside a vehicle can increase very fast and is higher than the outside temperature. The high temperature can result in brain damage, heatstroke or death. Cold temperatures are equally dangerous for your puppy.

Since animals cannot speak, pay particular attention to your dog’s well-being at all times. Have a safe and joyful trip with your best furry friend!

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