
5 Winter Safety Tips For Dogs

adult fawn kangal

Winter presents unique challenges for dogs, and it’s important to take precautions to ensure their safety and well-being in colder temperatures. Here are five winter safety tips for your dog:

Paw Protection

Apply pet-safe paw balm or petroleum jelly to your dog’s paw pads to protect them from salt, ice and chemicals. Consider using dog booties to provide additional protection, especially in areas with icy, frigid conditions.

Limit Outdoor Time

In extremely cold weather, limit outdoor walks and playtime. Dogs can get frostbite on their ears, paws and tails. Be attentive to signs of cold stress, such as shivering or lifting their paws. Head indoors if your dog seems uncomfortable.


Towel-dry your dog’s paws and fur after walks to remove any ice, snow, or chemicals. Wipe your dog’s paws with a damp cloth to remove salt and prevent ingestion during grooming. Keep the hair between your dog’s paw pads trimmed to prevent ice buildup. Regular brushing also helps maintain a healthy coat and improves insulation.

Stay Hydrated

Dehydration can still occur in winter. Be sure to check that your dog always has access to fresh water. Winter air can be very dry, so it is highly important to ensure your dog stays hydrated. Remember to bring water on your outdoor adventures, too!

Antifreeze Awareness

Antifreeze is highly toxic to dogs. Ensure that it is stored securely, and clean up any spills immediately. Additionally, use pet-friendly ice melt on your property to avoid exposing your dog to harmful chemicals.

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