Summer can be much fun, but when it gets hot, it’s important to remember that your pup is vulnerable to the hot weather. Heat exhaustion in dogs can lead to severe and potentially fatal conditions. Extreme temperatures can cause heatstroke. Some signs of heatstroke are heavy panting, glazed eyes, a rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, excessive thirst, lethargy, fever, dizziness, lack of coordination, profuse salivation, vomiting, a deep red or purple tongue, seizure, and unconsciousness.
Below are some great ideas to keep your dog cool this summer:
🐾 Keep your dog, hydrated. Provide access to plenty of water. Whenever you go for walks or to a sunny place, bring a collapsible water dish. If your dog will be in the yard with you, set up a bowl of water and add cubes of ice to keep it cold.
🐾 Provide a shelter. A small tent is a great way to provide shade for you and your pup. The Alvantor Beach Tent is a convenient way to provide shade to your dog. It is effortless to set up, offers UPF 50+, and it is only 2.5lbs!
🐾 A foldable Dog Pool is an easy way to keep your dog happy and chill. Splashing in a pool, or running through a sprinkler in warm weather can help bring your pup’s body temperature down.
🐾 Early morning or evening are the best times to exercise and walk your dog. Avoid walking on hot pavement. You may consider booties to insulate their toes.
🐾 Reward your dog with a frozen treat. Our dogs love fruits, especially strawberries. Here is a straightforward recipe that your pup will love.
All you need is:
🐾 6 Frozen strawberries
🐾 ¼ cup of Water
🐾 ¼ cup Plain Yogurt

Blend the frozen berries with the water and yogurt. Set the mix into the silicone molds and place them in the freezer. Once frozen, enjoy watching your pup devour your homemade popsicles.
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