
Reasons Why Your Dog Could Be Whining

No matter how much you love your furry friend, a whining dog can make you go crazy from time to time. It’s important to remember that your dog is using whining as a way to communicate with you. Although this whining may seem excessive and pointless, that’s usually unlikely. The best way to make your dog stop whining is to figure out what they are trying to tell you. Dogs whine for lots of reasons, but let’s explore the most common ones.

Here are 6 reasons why your dog could be whining:

Your Dog Is Excited 

Small things can cause your dog to whine. For example, if you put on your shoes or grab your coat, your dog may think that it’s walk time. To get the whining to stop, give a quiet command and wait for the whining to stop. Once it stops, give your dog a treat. Continue to use this method when your dog is whining because of their excitement. 

Your Dog Is Looking For Something

Did your dog’s favorite tennis ball roll under the couch and become out of their reach? Once you retrieve the ball and give it back to your dog, they stop whining. This is an example of when your dog uses whining to communicate with you. This is very common, so in these cases try to understand what your dog may be trying to tell you.

Your Dog Is Fearful

Some dogs whine because they are fearful of something. Along with whining, your dog can also tremble and pace when they are afraid. In this situation, it’s best to figure out what is scaring your dog and find a way to make them comfortable. Whether it’s a loud noise or bad weather that’s scaring them, try to find some distractions. Some great distractions include toys, treats, and chewing bones.

Your Dog Is Experiencing Separation Anxiety

If your dog starts to whine every time you are about to leave the house, it may suffer from separation anxiety. Symptoms of separation anxiety can also be signs of another disorder, so it’s best to take your dog to the vet for a checkup. 

Your Dog Wants Attention 

Some dogs whine because they crave attention from their owner. Your dog could be trying to tell you that they want more cuddles, treats, playtime, etc. When you give in to their whining, that’s positive reinforcement which tells your dog that their whining efforts are working. To break this habit, wait for the whining to stop and then give them the attention they wanted. 

Your Dog Is In Pain

If your dog is whining, this could also be a sign that they are in pain. For example, if your dog whines when walking up the stairs, this could mean that they are in pain. In this case, it’s highly important that you take your dog to the vet. 

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