
Reading Your Dog’s Body Language Through Their Ears

close up photography of a large dog

Ever wondered why your dog tilts their ears in a certain direction? Body language in dogs can often be recognized through their ears, from standard communication to signs of health issues. Here’s a chart to help you decode what some of your dogs’ ear positions might mean.

Neutral Ears 

When dogs are relaxed, their ears will sit in a neutral position. This means that the ears are not pricked forward, drooped down or pasted against the head.

Shaking Head With One Ear Lowered

If your dog is restless, excessively shaking their head, or trying to scratch their ears, they could potentially have an ear infection. Another common symptom is holding their head to one side so one ear hangs lower. If you notice any of these signs, it’s best to see your vet to rule out any potential health issues.

Pricked Ears

Pricked ears mean a dog is alert and focused. When a dog has erect or folded ears, they often perk up and angle them forward when something grabs their attention. When it comes to pricked ears, it’s important to understand that this type of focus can have both negative and positive associations. Breeds with stronger predatorial or defense drives might prick their ears if they register something as potential prey or a threat. Note: Any growling, snarling, or raised hackles accompanied by pricked ears are signals of active aggression.

Ears Pulled Back Against The Head 

Ears drawn tightly back against the head often indicate a sign of submission or stress. Ears in this position are often followed by a lowered tail, a tight, closed mouth and avoidant eye contact. Dogs might do this if they feel intimidated or afraid.

Flattened Ears

Flattened ears that are pulled down or dropping can signal a dog’s feelings of sadness, disappointment, or even depression. A dog that is sad or bored may exhibit this body language with slow blinking and half-closed eyes. This is a good time to take your pup for a walk or go play fetch with them.

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