Just like humans, dogs also can get very stressed and anxious. Sometimes it is part of their personality and sometimes it is brought on by certain situations.
Some dogs don’t like to be left alone in the house or will snap when guests come over or even at other dogs while out on their walks.
There are lots of signs that your dog may be feeling stressed or anxious and some are less obvious than others.
Here are some key sings to look out for:
- Barking at every noise that they hear
- Excessive licking or drooling
- constant panting, even when its not hot outside and they are fully hydrated
- Hiding under the table or behind furniture
- Not wanting treats – this is usually a big indication that something is up!
There are many reasons that your dog might be feeling this way, some of them include:
- Being in a new, unfamiliar place
- Being left alone
- Meeting new people or dogs
- Car journeys
- Going to the vet
- Going to the groomer
- Loud noises like fireworks or thunder storms
Here are some ways you can calm your dog down when they are feeling this way:
- Play relaxing music
- Give them a calming remedy like rescue remedy for pets!
- Give them something else to think about like putting peanut butter inside of a kong
- Give them a massage
- Hold your dog
The best thing to do is to show them how calm you are and not get stressed or anxious yourself, as often our pets can feed off of our energy.
It will take a few try’s of all these different remedies to figure out what works for your pet, but one of these will definitely work!
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